Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Rod

It has been years since I have been this excited about anything related to fishing. For the past summer my long time friend, and born-again fly fisherman, Dave C. has been hitting the Montana and Idaho backcountry with a packraft, Tenkara rod and fast feet. I initially ignored his sensational review of the Amago rod he had purchased and almost failed to notice its unique design and style: no reel, extremely long and minimal line. That was until he started posting photos on his blog of narrow streams and small fish; even before I broke my 4 wt fly rod I never managed any success with such small streams. Dave is talented and a quick learner but above all he is willing to experiment with new (or in this case, revitalized very old) technology. He unknowing gear tested Tenkara rods for me on his adventures (and I got to live in his trips vicariously). I used a broken tip on my 6 wt rod and my anniversary gift from my wife as an excuse to purchase the TenkaraUSA 12' Iwana from a Wildflys in Northern Utah. Three days later the rod arrives and I am contemplating adventure.

Autumn in SW Utah provides both challenges and benefits to fly fisherman not willing to be distracted by the upcoming ski season. While some of the best known fishing streams and lakes freeze up, or become inaccessible, the myriad of small streams at lower elevations come into season. The fact that these streams receive very little pressure and remain moderately warm makes them extremely enticing. So as my friends to the north start packing up their gear (or heading closer to the coast) I begin hunting wild trout with a vengeance.

This next week finds me on a forced vacation somewhere in Southern Utah with plenty of time to hone the new Tenkara techniques in some small streams. Though exact locations are changing, as a wet cold air mass moves into the region, I have not doubt some beautiful scenery and fish will be found.

A new rod, a new fishing philosophy, a very old 14' trailer, some Jameson and week of fishing.

1 comment:

  1. welcome to the addiction! Looking forward to read your new adventures. Swing by my tenkara blog @
